📄️ OAuth - Authorization Code
OAuth is the preferred authentication method for partners. Partner Applications submitted using API Keys will not be approved.
📄️ OAuth - Client Credentials
#### OAuth is the preferred authentication method for partners. Partner Applications submitted using API Keys will not be approved.
📄️ API Key Authentication
This method is exclusively for customers,if you are current or future partner you will need to create an OAuth app to use our API endpoints.
📄️ Request & Response Format
We recommend making JSON requests against our API. This is done by setting the Content-Type HTTP header to "application/json". You are able to make requests using form encoded requests, but you may experience quirks that come from limitations in this request format.
📄️ Filtering, Paging, Sorting
📄️ Rate Limits
The Salesloft API is protected by a rate limit. This rate limit applies on a team level and not on an integration level. For instance, your integration can consume no more than the rate limit per integrated team, but having multiple integrated teams won't cause one team to affect another's limit. It is possible for another integration to affect your rate limit, as rate limits are across the entire team.
📄️ Call / Call Data Records
Salesloft provides two endpoints that contain call data, "call" and "call data record". The combined use of these endpoints provides access to all phone call data that Salesloft has.
📄️ Retrieving Actions, Cadences, Steps
Actions are a central concept in Salesloft. An Action denotes a scheduled event between a Salesloft user and one of their people. An Action has a type (i.e. email, call, or "other") and may have other details needed to properly execute it.
📄️ Completing Actions
The Salesloft API provides capabilities to complete certain types of actions. Currently, call and integration type actions can be completed via our API. There are a few different APIs that can be used to complete an action, depending on your needs.
📄️ Third Party Dialers
What are Voice Links?
📄️ Timezones
Timezones from the API