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Integrations Terms of Service

Allow integration:

  • You agree to comply with applicable law, regulation, and the Terms.
  • You will require your end users to comply with (and not knowingly enable them to violate) applicable law, regulation, and the Terms.
  • Apps must agree to delete user data within 30 days upon valid request by the user or once the relationship with Salesloft has ended.
  • Apps can't require the user to send their Salesloft password to the partner.
  • You must attest that all scopes you're requesting are necessary to perform intended functionality.
  • You must not access scopes you have functional access to but are not necessary to perform intended/advertised functionality.
  • You must attest to a method of key/token handling.
  • You agree that Salesloft may monitor the use of the API to ensure quality, improve products and services, and verify your compliance with these terms. This may include Salesloft accessing and using your API client.
  • Salesloft may suspend access to the APIs without notice if we reasonably believe you are in violation of the Terms.

App-store Advertising:

  • Apps must include links to user-facing documentation that describe how to set up and use the app.
  • Any marketing materials for the app must accurately represent the behavior of the app.
  • You must disclose any sale of end user data to third parties obtained from this API.
  • You must confirm that an incident response procedure exists.
  • You must attest that you have a responsible disclosure policy and process in place or plans to implement one within six months.
  • You must attest that you have a vulnerability management workflow or program.
  • You must attest that you have logging and monitoring capabilities. You must also provide evidence that any relevant app logs are retained for at least 30 days and archived for at least one year.
  • You must provide Salesloft with a written record of the authentication method and scope that's required.