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List successes



Fetches multiple success records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Query Parameters

    ids integer[]

    IDs of successes to fetch. If a record can't be found, that record won't be returned and your request will be successful

    person_id integer[]

    Filters successes by person_id. Multiple person ids can be applied

    Example: [6759304]
    updated_at[gt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[gte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    sort_by string

    Key to sort on, must be one of: created_at, updated_at, succeeded_at. Defaults to updated_at

    sort_direction string

    Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC

    per_page integer

    How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25

    page integer

    The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1

    include_paging_counts boolean

    Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false

    limit_paging_counts boolean

    Specifies whether the max limit of 10k records should be applied to pagination counts. Affects the total_count and total_pages data



    id integer

    ID of success

    created_at date-time

    Datetime of when the success was created

    updated_at date-time

    Datetime of when the success was last updated

    succeeded_at date-time

    Datetime of when the success was recorded

    success_window_started_at date-time

    Datetime of when this person was first worked, leading up to the success

    user object

    User that created this success

    id integer
    _href string
    person object

    The person who a success occurred on

    id integer
    _href string
    latest_email object

    The email that was most recently sent to this person before the success

    id integer
    _href string
    latest_call object

    The call that was most recently made to this person before the success

    id integer
    _href string
    latest_action object

    The action that was most recently completed on this person before the success

    id integer
    latest_cadence object

    The cadence with the action that was most recently completed on this person before the success

    id integer
    _href string
    latest_step object

    The step of the cadence's action that was most recently completed on this person before the success

    id integer
    _href string
    counts object
    total_emails integer

    The total number of emails made in this success window

    total_calls integer

    The total number of calls made in this success window

    total_other_touches integer

    The total number of other touches made in this success window
