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Create Personal Email Template



Create a new personal email template



    title string

    The title of the email content.

    subject string

    The subject line of the email content.

    body string

    The main body of the email content.

    open_tracking boolean

    Indicates if open tracking is enabled for the email.

    click_tracking boolean

    Indicates if click tracking is enabled for the email.

    attachment_ids integer[]

    A list of attachment IDs to associate with the email template.



    id integer

    ID of email template

    title string

    Title of the email template

    subject string

    Subject of the email template

    body string

    Sanitized body of the email template without email signature

    body_preview string

    A plain text version of the first 100 characters of the body of the email template

    created_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email template was created

    updated_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email template was last updated

    last_used_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email template was last used

    archived_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email template was archived, if archived

    shared boolean

    Whether this email template is visible to team members (shared)

    open_tracking_enabled boolean

    Whether open tracking is enabled for this email template

    click_tracking_enabled boolean

    Whether click tracking is enabled for this email template

    cadence_template boolean

    Whether this email template is only used on a cadence step. These templates are not visible in the SalesLoft application template list. If false, this email template is visible in the SalesLoft application, and may be used when composing an email or creating a cadence step.

    counts object
    sent_emails integer

    The number of times the email template was sent out

    views integer

    The number of times the email template was opened

    clicks integer

    The number of times links in the email template were clicked

    replies integer

    The number of replies the email template received

    bounces integer

    The number of bounces the email template received

    template_owner object

    User that owns this email template

    id integer
    _href string
    team_template object

    Associated team template, if any

    id string
    _href string
    _links object

    Links to attachments and tags resources for this email template.

    tags string[]

    All tags applied to this email template

    groups object[]

    Groups to which this template is assigned, if any

  • Array [
  • id integer
    _href string
  • ]