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Fetch conversations



Fetches multiple conversations. The conversations can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Query Parameters

    title string

    Filter conversations by title, this validation is an exact match of the title

    title[_starts_with] string

    Filter conversations by title starting with, this validation is a partial match of the title

    created_at[lt] string

    Returns all matching records that are less than to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[lte] string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[gt] string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[gte] string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lt] string

    Returns all matching records that are less than to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lte] string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[gt] string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[gte] string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    duration[lt] integer

    Returns all matching records that are less than to the provided number of milliseconds.

    duration[lte] integer

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided number of milliseconds.

    duration[gt] integer

    Returns all matching records that are greater than to the provided number of milliseconds.

    duration[gte] integer

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided number of milliseconds.

    language_code string

    Possible values: [en-AU, en-AB, en-GB, en-IN, en-IE, en-NZ, en-ZA, en-US, en-WL, es-ES, es-US, nl-NL, it-IT, fr-FR, fr-CA, de-DE, de-CH]

    Filter conversations by language code of the transcription, this is the language of the conversation

    platform string

    Possible values: [bluejeans, gotomeeting, joinme, manual_upload, ms_teams, salesloft, uberconference, webex, zoom, google_meet, external_audio]

    Filter conversations by the source platform, this is the platform where the conversation was recorded

    owner_ids[] string[]

    Filter conversations by owner uuids, this is the user who owns the conversation

    user_guids[] string[]

    Filter conversations by user uuids, this is the user who recorded the conversation

    ids[] string[]

    Filter conversations by conversation identifiers. This parameter can be use to get multiple conversations by their identifiers

    account_ids[] integer[]

    Filter conversations by account ids, this is the account that the conversation is associated with

    person_ids[] integer[]

    Filter conversations by person ids, this is the person that the conversation is associated with

    is_api boolean

    Filter conversations by isAPI, this is the status of the conversation if it was generated by the API. Use string booleans true or false to differentiate it

    media_type string

    Possible values: [audio, video]

    Filter conversations by media type, this is the type of media that the conversation is

    sort_direction string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC

    sort_by string

    Possible values: [created_at, updated_at, duration]

    Sort by field, this is the field that the results will be sorted by. Defaults to created_at

    per_page integer

    How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25

    page integer

    The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1

    include_paging_counts boolean

    Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false



  • Array [
  • id uuid

    UUID of the Conversation

    duration number

    Duration of the Conversation in milliseconds

    is_api boolean

    Determines if the channel of through this Conversation was processed

    platform string

    Possible values: [bluejeans, gotomeeting, joinme, manual_upload, ms_teams, salesloft, uberconference, webex, zoom, google_meet, external_audio]

    Source of the Conversation

    media_type string

    Possible values: [audio, video]

    Determines if conversation is video or audio

    organization_id uuid

    ID of the Organization

    title string

    Title of the Conversation

    owner_id uuid

    ID of the owner

    user_guid uuid

    ID of the user

    started_recording_at number

    Starts of the recording in milliseconds

    event_end_date date-time

    Datetime of when the Conversation ended. The date time ISO-8601 format

    event_start_date date-time

    Datetime of when the Conversation started. The date time ISO-8601 format

    language_code string

    The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn".


    created_at date-time

    Datetime of Conversation creation. The date time ISO-8601 format

    updated_at date-time

    Datetime of the last Conversation update. The date time ISO-8601 format

    call_id string

    Id of the call data record

    account object

    Reference to the Account

    id string
    _href uri
    person object

    Reference to the People

    id string
    _href uri
    recording object

    Reference to the Recording artifact

    id string
    _href uri
    transcription object

    Reference to the transcription

    id string
    _href uri
    transcription_sentences object

    Reference to the transcription sentences

    id string
    _href uri
    transcription_artifact object

    Reference to the transcription artifact

    id string
    _href uri
  • ]