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Upsert a calendar event



Upserts a calendar event object. Upsert key is a combination of id and i_cal_uid scoped to the given calendar_id. Bulk operations: This endpoint is used for bulk operations, see bulk jobs for integration instructions. Use calendar/events/upsert as an event type, and this spec as a data spec. This endpoint should be used directly for the time sensitive calendar event updates.



    upsert_key undefined[]

    This parameter customizes the keys used for identifying events in our database. Default: ["id", "i_cal_uid"]. By default, events are identified based on both :id and :i_cal_uid fields. Example: If :upsert_key is set to ["id"], events will be identified using :id & :user_guid as keys. This will help prevent creating duplicates in cases where i_cal_uid changes during event updates.

    updated_at string

    Last modification time of the event in the ISO 8601 format with a time zone offset. The event will not be updated if the 'updated_at' timestamp from the payload is earlier than the one in the database. Example: 2022-02-14T10:12:59+00:00.

    transparency string

    Transparency of the calendar event. Possible values: opaque, transparent. Example: opaque.

    title string

    Title of the calendar event

    status string

    Status of the calendar event. Depending on the status, the calendar event will or will not impact user's availability. Possible values: confirmed, tentative, cancelled. Example: confirmed.

    start_time daterequired

    Start time of the calendar event, as a combined date-time value in the ISO 8601 format with a time zone offset. Example: 2022-02-14T10:12:59+00:00.

    recurring boolean

    Should be set to true if this is one of recurring series calendar event.

    recurrence undefined[]

    List of RRULE for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events. For recurring events, you can optionally include the 'UNTIL' key to specify the date/time after which the recurrence rule should stop repeating. The 'UNTIL' value must be in UTC and in the format 'YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'. Example: ["RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;UNTIL=20230731T000000Z"]

    organizer string

    Email address of the organizer

    location string

    Location of the calendar event as free-form text.

    id stringrequired

    Id of the calendar event, different for each occurrence in a recurring series.

    Used as an upsert key.

    i_cal_uid stringrequired

    icalUID of the calendar event. Unique identifier for a calendar event across calendars.

    Used as an upsert key.

    end_time daterequired

    End time of the calendar event, as a combined date-time value in the ISO 8601 format with a time zone offset. Example: 2022-02-14T10:12:59+00:00.

    description string

    Description of the calendar event

    canceled_at string

    Cancellation time of the calendar event, as a combined date-time value in the ISO 8601 format with a time zone offset. Example: 2022-02-14T10:12:59+00:00.

    calendar_id stringrequired

    Calendar ID of the calendar event owner. For the External Calendar connection use external_{salesloft_user_guid} format. Example: external_00210d1a-df8a-459f-af75-89b953b618b0.

    busy boolean

    Should be set to true if the user is busy during the calendar event. Can be used in exchange with transparency param. Busy param has higher priority. Default: true.

    attendees object

    List of attendees of the calendar event. Example:

    "attendees": [
    "name": "Alice",
    "email": "",
    "status": "accepted",
    "organizer": true
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "status": "needsAction",
    "organizer": false

    name: full name of the attendee

    email: email address of the attendee

    status: one of the following - needsAction, accepted, tentative, declined

    organizer: whether the attendee is the organizer of the calendar event

    all_day boolean

    Should be set to true for all day calendar events.



    user_guid string

    User GUID of the user calendar.

    updated_at date-time

    Last modification time of the calendar event.

    title string

    Title of the calendar event

    tenant_id integer

    Tenant ID of the user calendar

    status string

    The status of the calendar event. It can be empty for non-google events.

    start_time date-time

    The (inclusive) start time of the calendar event.

    recurring_interval string

    Specifies how often a recurring event repeats (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events.

    recurring boolean

    Whether the calendar event is a recurring event.

    recurrence string[]

    List of RRULE for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events.

    provider string

    The provider of the calendar event.

    organizer string

    The organizer email of the calendar event.

    location string

    Location of the calendar event

    last_occurrence_at date-time

    The timestamp of the last occurrence in a series of recurring events.

    id string

    The calendar event original ID from calendar provider

    i_cal_uid string

    Calendar event unique identifier (iCalUID)

    html_link string

    An absolute link to this calendar event in the Google Calendar Web UI.

    extended_properties object

    Extended properties of the calendar event.

    end_time date-time

    The (exclusive) end time of the calendar event.

    description string

    Description of the calendar event

    creator string

    The creator email of the calendar event.

    created_at date-time

    Creation time of the calendar event.

    conference_data object

    The conference-related information, such as details of a Google Meet conference.

    canceled_at date-time

    The canceled date of the calendar event.

    calendar_id string

    Calendar ID of the user calendar.

    busy boolean

    Busy/free status of the calendar event

    body_html string

    Raw body content from Microsoft calendar events

    attendees object[]

    The attendees of the calendar event.

  • Array [
  • ]
  • all_day boolean

    Whether the calendar event is an all-day event.
