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List emails



Fetches multiple email records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Query Parameters

    ids integer[]

    IDs of emails to fetch. If a record can't be found, that record won't be returned and your request will be successful

    Example: [1, 2, 3]
    updated_at[gt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[gte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    updated_at[lte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    bounced boolean

    Filters emails by whether they have bounced or not

    Example: false
    crm_activity_id integer[]

    Filters emails by crm_activity_id. Multiple crm activty ids can be applied

    Example: [6759304]
    action_id integer[]

    Filters emails by action_id. Multiple action ids can be applied

    Example: [145932]
    user_id integer[]

    Filters emails by user_id. Multiple User ids can be applied

    Example: [145932]
    status string[]

    Filters emails by status. Multiple status can be applied, possible values are sent, sent_from_gmail, sent_from_external, pending, pending_reply_check, scheduled, sending, delivering, failed, cancelled, pending_through_gmail, pending_through_external

    Example: [failed, cancelled]
    cadence_id integer[]

    Filters emails by cadence. Multiple cadence ids can be applied

    Example: [145932]
    step_id integer[]

    Filters emails by step. Multiple step ids can be applied

    Example: [145932]
    one_off boolean

    Filters emails by one-off only

    Example: false
    scoped_fields string[]

    Specify explicit scoped fields desired on the Email Resource.

    Example: [subject]
    person_id integer[]

    Filters emails by person_id. Multiple person ids can be applied

    Example: [1234]
    email_addresses string[]

    Filters emails by recipient email address. Multiple emails can be applied.

    Example: []
    personalization string[]

    Filters emails by personalization score

    sent_at[gt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    sent_at[gte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    sent_at[lt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    sent_at[lte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    sort_by string

    Key to sort on, must be one of: updated_at, recipient, send_time, account, subject, views, clicks, replies. Defaults to updated_at

    sort_direction string

    Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC

    per_page integer

    How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25

    page integer

    The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1

    include_paging_counts boolean

    Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false

    limit_paging_counts boolean

    Specifies whether the max limit of 10k records should be applied to pagination counts. Affects the total_count and total_pages data



    id integer

    ID of Email

    created_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email was created

    updated_at date-time

    Datetime of when the email was last updated

    recipient_email_address string

    Email address of the recipient

    status string

    Status of this email through the sending process. Possible values are: sent, sent_from_gmail, sent_from_external, pending, pending_reply_check, scheduled, sending, delivering, failed, cancelled, pending_through_gmail, pending_through_external

    bounced boolean

    Whether this email bounced

    send_after date-time

    When this email will be sent, or null if already sent

    sent_at date-time

    When this email was sent, or null if it was not sent

    view_tracking boolean

    Whether this email had view tracking enabled

    click_tracking boolean

    Whether this email had click tracking enabled

    headers object

    Selected headers that are included if this email used them. Available keys are: cc, bcc

    personalization string

    Percentage of this email that has been personalized

    subject string

    Subject of the email. This field has been determined sensitive and requires a specific scope to access it.

    body string

    Email Body

    error_message string

    Error message of the email. This field has been determined sensitive and requires a specific scope to access it.

    counts object
    clicks integer

    The number of times links in the email were clicked

    views integer

    The number of times the email was opened

    replies integer

    The number of replies the email received

    unique_devices integer

    The number of unique devices that opened the email

    unique_locations integer

    The number of unique locations that opened the email

    attachments integer

    The number of attachments on the email

    user object

    User that sent this email

    id integer
    _href string
    recipient object

    The person whom received this email

    id integer
    _href string
    mailing object

    The mailing that this email was a part of

    id integer
    action object

    Action that this email was sent from, or null if not sent through a cadence

    id integer
    task object

    Task that this email was sent from, or null if not sent through a cadence

    id integer
    crm_activity object

    CRM Activity associated with this email

    id integer
    _href string
    cadence object

    Cadence the email was sent on

    id integer
    _href string
    step object

    Step the email was sent on

    id integer
    _href string
    email_template object

    Template used for this email

    id integer
    _href string
    additional_recipients object[]

    The list of people, other than the (primary) recipient, who received this email via TO and CC

  • Array [
  • id integer
    _href string
  • ]